We Believe

In essentials - Unity;
in non-essentials - Liberty;
in all things - Charity.

General Statement Of Belief

  1. That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Living God, and the only Savior from sin.
  2. That Jesus Christ is the Great Physician and the Healer of the body and soul through the Atonement.
  3. That Jesus Christ is the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit today, just as He was on the Day of Pentecost.
  4. That Jesus Christ is the soon returning King of Kings, the only hope for a dying world.
  5. That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

General Rules Of Conduct

  1. Allowing God's Word to transform us in truth, rather than conforming to the ideals of this world and its philosophies.
  2. Seeking to do good to our fellow man as a whole. Feeding, clothing, and visiting those in need as the opportunity presents itself
  3. Being faithful to the known ordinances of God such as regular church attendance, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, consistent Bible study, daily prayers, and private devotion.
  4. Faithfully supporting The Rock Church through God's financial plan of tithes, offerings and regular attendance.
  5. Recognizing the need for the conversion and salvation of the unsaved through prayer, personal testimony, and being willing to invite them to church, with a desire to lead them to Christ.
  6. Working together in harmony and unity with the pastor and the membership for the advancement and growth of the visible church. In all things showing forth an attitude of Christian love until Jesus comes.

Creedal Statement

We believe -

  • In the Divine inspiration of the original Scriptures.
  • In the absolute Trinity of the eternal God-head.
  • In Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man.
  • In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
  • In the reality and personality of the devil.
  • In the natural depravity of the human race.
  • In the substitutionary Atonement.
  • In the propitiation for sin only by the blood of Christ.
  • In full salvation by grace through faith and not of works.
  • In Divine healing through the Atonement and prayer for the sick.
  • In the personal baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • In the necessity of the new birth.
  • In the need for water baptism by immersion at an age of accountability.
  • In the true church composed of all blood washed believers.
  • In the evangelism of the lost and the discipling of nations.
  • In obedience to civil government.
  • In divorce only on New Testament scriptural grounds.
  • In church government - showing loyalty and obedience to those in authority over us in the Lord.
  • In tithing as God's financial plan.
  • In the restitution for past wrongs whenever possible.
  • In the open table at the Lord's Supper.
  • In bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
  • In the victorious life over sin, self, and bad habits by personal application of God's Word and faith.
  • In Christian perfection and holiness, through absolute surrender and consecration.
  • In Christian modesty in matter of dress and wearing apparel.
  • In the keeping of the Lord's day as a matter of privilege rather than law.
  • As regards recreation - liberty of conscience and a Godly example to the world.
  • In the immorality and conscious existence of the soul.
  • In the resurrection of our literal bodies, the just and the unjust.
  • In a literal heaven and life everlasting for all true believers.
  • In a final day of judgement and everlasting punishment for the unrepentant.
  • In the personal, literal & bodily return of Jesus Christ.
  • In a future, literal, 1,000 years reign of Christ on earth with all His saints.
  • In the judgment seat of Christ where the saints will be finally rewarded for their deeds of commission and omission.
  • In the Christian tolerance to all denominations of Christian faith.